Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Add your blog to the list

Post a link to your individual class blog in the comments section of THIS post, and I will add it to the main list.


Here it is: the home base for an ongoing discussion of "Art, Work, and Money" to accompany the seminar Art 585/586 at SUNY Buffalo during the Spring 2007 semester. (I'll spell that all out right now in case anyone stumbles upon this site from the outside world. I kinda like the way the internet invites such accidental discoveries, since they provide one further way to open up the discussion here--a discussion which is, after all, intended to focus outward, beyond the cozy, insular world on the left side of the Center for the Arts at UB. If you're not a student in the class but find yourself here and interested in the subject matter, please feel free to add comments to any posts you see. Okay, enough parentheses. From now on, I'm gonna address these comments to people who are actually paying to be in the class: )

I trust all of you are busily setting up your individual blogs. (FYI, here's a link to Blogger's help pages for those of you who are new to all this. In my experience, the info there is pretty non-technical and easy to understand, and much of it should help no matter what host site you use. WebMonkey is another very valuable help site, by the way.) Once you have yours up and running, there will be a place here where you can post a link to it (or you can e-mail me the URL) and I'll add it to the list on the right.

I know it's hard for some people to think of what to write about, so I thought of a good first, or early, writing assignment for everyone: On your own blog, create a personal history of yourself in terms of the roles art, work, and money have played in your existence so far.

One more thing: use your individual blog to post your thoughts about the readings, speakers, presentations, etc. Use this group blog to post announcements of interest to the class as a whole: funding opportunities, links everyone should know about, etc. (From time to time I might post ideas here that don’t come up in class, things I meant to bring up or explain in more detail, or additional readings, etc.)